I only hope pass Stadistics
Hi my friends, today I'm going to talk to you about my "This year learning English balance". First, I´m going to say that the English class was good, and nice. When the semester started I though that I wasn't going to learn too much new things, but that doesn't matter, because having English classes I was going to, at least, practice 1 time at week. But... advancing with the semester the thing was getting so hard (I had 7 subjects in 4 days) and I really was sorry about doesn't have been exempted of English. What about the use of blogs? Well, the last semester I really liked blogs, because I felt like I was a famous blog writer (That exist?) and I really laughed with some posts. But that doesn't this semester I think that, clearly, because I wasn't with Sociology 2015 partners only. Finally, outside the English class, I used the English in something useful for first time in my life!!! I went to the south of Chile and Speak with a German gir...