Hello, this is my new blog, today I'm going to talk about the country that I would like to visit.
I should want to begin with a quote of a history book that I read, but I didn`t found it, so I'm going to crete one: " Antes de la primera guerra mundial, la gran mayoría de las personas nacía y moría en el mismo lugar; sin visitar ningún otro durante toda su vida". Well, I think that this, that sounds so old, still happening to the most of the people (just think in the PME of the university, you have to pay millions). But, fortunately, the most of the people can dream too.
The country that I like to visit is anyone of LatinAmerican, specially some place that don´t be so modern, like anyone of Central America. I know that in Center America there are countries that are in good situations like Costa Rica, close to others that are very poor like Honduras or Nicaragua. Should I go to those countries, I like to help the people, but saying him that althought the "progress" is important, the traditions and the enviroments too, and that the "progress" can hide poverty or inequality too (like in Chile). I would like to finish my sociology degree and travel to help and live one year with poverties latin american communities through programs of ONGs like "America Solidaria".
Is great that you put your carrear in function or your dreams!